Программирование 4 книжки от Packtpub о машинном обучении на Python

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Learning Predictive Analytics with Python
Social Media and the Internet of Things have resulted in an avalanche of data. Data is powerful but not in its raw form - It needs to be processed and modeled, and Python is one of the most robust tools out there to do so. It has an array of packages for predictive modeling and a suite of IDEs to choose from. Learning to predict who would win, lose, buy, lie, or die with Python is an indispensable skill set to have in this data age.

This book is your guide to getting started with Predictive Analytics using Python. You will see how to process data and make predictive models from it. We balance both statistical and mathematical concepts, and implement them in Python using libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, and numpy.

You’ll start by getting an understanding of the basics of predictive modeling, then you will see how to cleanse your data of impurities and get it ready it for predictive modeling. You will also learn more about the best predictive modeling algorithms such as Linear Regression, Decision Trees, and Logistic Regression. Finally, you will see the best practices in predictive modeling, as well as the different applications of predictive modeling in the modern world.

Python - Deeper Insights into Machine Learning
Machine learning and predictive analytics are becoming one of the key strategies for unlocking growth in a challenging contemporary marketplace. It is one of the fastest growing trends in modern computing, and everyone wants to get into the field of machine learning. In order to obtain sufficient recognition in this field, one must be able to understand and design a machine learning system that serves the needs of a project.

The idea is to prepare a learning path that will help you to tackle the real-world complexities of modern machine learning with innovative and cutting-edge techniques. Also, it will give you a solid foundation in the machine learning design process, and enable you to build customized machine learning models to solve unique problems.

The course begins with getting your Python fundamentals nailed down. It focuses on answering the right questions that cove a wide range of powerful Python libraries, including scikit-learn Theano and Keras.After getting familiar with Python core concepts, it’s time to dive into the field of data science. You will further gain a solid foundation on the machine learning design and also learn to customize models for solving problems.

At a later stage, you will get a grip on more advanced techniques and acquire a broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection and feature engineering.

Python Data Analysis - Second Edition
Data analysis techniques generate useful insights from small and large volumes of data. Python, with its strong set of libraries, has become a popular platform to conduct various data analysis and predictive modeling tasks.

With this book, you will learn how to process and manipulate data with Python for complex analysis and modeling. We learn data manipulations such as aggregating, concatenating, appending, cleaning, and handling missing values, with NumPy and Pandas. The book covers how to store and retrieve data from various data sources such as SQL and NoSQL, CSV fies, and HDF5. We learn how to visualize data using visualization libraries, along with advanced topics such as signal processing, time series, textual data analysis, machine learning, and social media analysis.

The book covers a plethora of Python modules, such as matplotlib, statsmodels, scikit-learn, and NLTK. It also covers using Python with external environments such as R, Fortran, C/C++, and Boost libraries.

Python Machine Learning By Example
Data science and machine learning are some of the top buzzwords in the technical world today. A resurging interest in machine learning is due to the same factors that have made data mining and Bayesian analysis more popular than ever. This book is your entry point to machine learning.

This book starts with an introduction to machine learning and the Python language and shows you how to complete the setup. Moving ahead, you will learn all the important concepts such as, exploratory data analysis, data preprocessing, feature extraction, data visualization and clustering, classification, regression and model performance evaluation. With the help of various projects included, you will find it intriguing to acquire the mechanics of several important machine learning algorithms – they are no more obscure as they thought. Also, you will be guided step by step to build your own models from scratch. Toward the end, you will gather a broad picture of the machine learning ecosystem and best practices of applying machine learning techniques.

Through this book, you will learn to tackle data-driven problems and implement your solutions with the powerful yet simple language, Python. Interesting and easy-to-follow examples, to name some, news topic classification, spam email detection, online ad click-through prediction, stock prices forecast, will keep you glued till you reach your goal.

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Сегодня ради интереса поднял эту тему на работе среди аналитиков. Отзывы разные, польза есть, но часто условия и искусственный алгоритм начинают улучшать на выходе данные, что задаёшься вопросом: Нафига, хватит :)

Машине порой надо задавать критерии иначе будет учиться и совершенствовать результат без предела.

На все свой спрос.. Кому ширпотреб с заданными ограничениями и понятным выходом, а кому утонченная работа мастера с радужной перспективой длиною в жизнь и непонятным результатом :)

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